Nice to meet you

Julio Garcia, KAmbo Practitiner. Kambo Frog, Amazon Jungle Peru

Julio Garcia, Kambo Practitioner, Miami, FL

Julio was born in Havana, Cuba and raised in a home where spirituality, meditation and awareness were a regular practice. Both parents raised him through the values of the sacred science of the Rosicrucian order.  From childhood his mother taught him that there was more to him than he could see.  From his father he learned to navigate the physical world, and to keep his mind open to everything, and believes that the quality of ones life would depend largely on the quality of ones habits. These values have guided his path throughout his lifetime.

While in college he studied Fine Art, Design and Architecture.  His path lead him into the fast paced industry of brand experience and production. In the beginning this industry offered him a creative outlet. At the time it seemed to support his intentions of being in a creative environment. Although the work was creative, challenging and offered its own life lessons this type of path took a toll on his mental and physical health. He suffered severe Adrenal Fatigue from continued lack of sleep, living in a fight or flight state and sustaining himself on SAD (the Standard American Diet). After numerous physical and mental breakdowns.  Julios found himself lost and empty.  He fell into drinking and depression for sometime. A friend  introduced him to Kambo and recommended that he should try it. 

Those original points he received  were extremely difficult, he purged for an entire hour. After the initial session he slept for 22 consecutive hours. When he awoke he felt something had shifted.  He felt revitalized, inspired, clear-headed and above all he felt a connection to the world around him.  The following days he completed two more Kambo sessions and after, he knew, he would not be going back to his old life. Since then, Julio has slowly transformed himself physically, mentally and spiritually receiving healing and guidance from philosophy, nutrition, and deeper self awareness. 

His path to self awareness led him to the Amazon in Peru where he dove deeper into holistic, shamanic rituals and the practices and uses of working with Master plant medicines.   He has participated in numerous traditional Dietas.  His commitment to service work have allowed him the opportunity to participate and assist in various Ayahuasca Ceremonies.  He furthered developed his knowledge of Kambo while working with the Matses tribe communities. Through this extensive training he became certified as an official Kambo practitioner by Kambo Naturista.  

Today Julio lives and works in Miami, Florida where he has his practice and offers various services for those on the path of consciousness and self awareness.  He offers and facilitates regular Kambo ceremonies as well as Psychoactive plant medicine therapy.  In addition he offers private and group Breathwork sessions. 

Julio’s path and experiences have offered him the perspective and understanding of the complex process that is life.  Julio believes in his work and the power of tools like Kambo and plant medicines as a transformative tool to assist with the process of self improvement.  His intention is to offer those called on the path, a safe, positive and life changing experience that will allow them to feel better within themselves as well as the world around them.