Inoculation Kambo Sessions

The three-day Kambo Inoculation offers individuals what we feel is the best way to experience Kambo medicine’s benefits and capabilities. This in-depth 3 day cleanse builds up the medicine and offers deep immersive detoxification to individuals’ inner intestinal system. The process is so powerful that clients will experience a deep release of years of pined and stagnant energy in their bodies. they will obtain a clear awareness of their inner beings. Individuals who complete this three-day cleanse leave with a feeling of physical lightness and awareness which in some cases they have never experienced before. Each day starts with tea, conversations, and a short intention visualization and meditation prior to each Kambo session. In addition to Kambo, we will work with other medicines including Sananga eye drops and Rape’. The amount of medicine each individual will be given during their session will be determined by their preliminary interview.

Private Kambo Sessions

Private sessions and multiple Kambo application treatments are very powerful ways to regularly cleanse your system. These sessions offer individuals a powerful introduction to Kambo medicine and its healing capabilities. The dose applied in these sessions is built up during the process to offer individuals a powerful cleansing and detoxification of the inner intestines. Private sessions are also used as a method for identifying individuals’ toxicity levels so they can continue to work on a detoxifying process in future sessions or via other forms of specified cleansing.

Individual Psilocybin Assisted Therapy.

Psilocybin-assisted therapy involves ingesting psilocybin while exploring a specific, previously-set intention, with the goal of healing and transformation. The process of these sessions includes three distinct therapy phases: preparation, the acute psychedelic experience, and integration. The non-psychedelic elements of this approach are essential for both effectiveness and safety.

Individual Bufo Alvarius Medicine Sessions.

Bufo is a powerful and potent psychedelic that comes from the Colorado River (or the Sonoran Desert) Toad. Using Bufo helps you put ego aside to enable connecting with a divine source. Bufo’s hallucinogenic effects take hold very quickly—within minutes—after ingestion and last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Clients who have used Bufo often describe their experience as being one with the universe and feeling reborn. Some describe a fusion with God, a visceral connection with the divine source. Others experience colors, looping patterns, and a sense of connection with the universe/all beings.

Mindful Conversations

Sometimes all we need to do is talk it through. And through this simple process, we are able to arrive at clarity, understanding, and reassurance.

Breathwork & Sound Bath Therapy

Unlike meditation, where we are aware of the mental chatter, Breathwork is an active, efficient, effective technique that will allow you to disconnect from the mind, and enter a different state of consciousness, and bring you to a deeper state of connection. The beauty of Breathwork is that it is natural so that you and your breath become the source of answers to questions, insights to challenges, freedom from feeling stuck, and downloads to what's next for you, your life, and your work in the world.